The Honolulu Police Department receives numerous requests for police shoulder patches, badges, and cap shields. We hope this page will answer your questions regarding our policy regarding such requests.
The program is designed to make the Honolulu Police Department (HPD) shoulder patches available to outside law enforcement agencies that collect patches and to visiting law enforcement officers who wish to possess one as a souvenir.
Purchasing shoulder patches
- In order to purchase a patch you must be a law enforcement officer.
- You must provide a copy of your identification with that law enforcement agency. For example, a business card if available and a photo copy of your I.D.
- There is a fee of $3.00 to defray the cost of the patch and mailing. Your remittance should be in the form of a U.S. postal or international money order payable to “City and County of Honolulu”. We do not accept foreign monies, personal checks, or checks made payable to anyone else.
- You may purchase a maximum of two patches.
Badges and cap shields
- Our department policy does not permit our badges or cap shields to be bought, sold or traded to anyone except officially sworn officers of the Honolulu Police Department.
- You may read about our badge here online.
- Our badge may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed permission from our Chief of Police.
Request for patches from the State of Hawaii
- Hawaii does not have a single police force or state police. Hawaii does have a statewide Sheriff Department under the Department of Public Safety.
- Each of the four counties has its own police departments with different patches and badges.
- The Honolulu Police Department is located on the island of Oahu.
- Maui County covers the islands of Maui, Molokai, and Lanai.
- Kauai County covers the islands of Kauai and Niihau.
- Hawaii County covers the island of Hawaii (also known as the Big Island).
- The Honolulu Police Department does not sell patches for any other county.
Address to send requests
Honolulu Police Department
Community Affairs Division
801 S. Beretania St.
Honolulu, HI 96813