The Honolulu Police Department is very proud of its employees, both civilian and sworn, especially when they go beyond the call of duty, as they so frequently do. If you have witnessed an officer or civilian employee who has exemplified our motto of “Serving and Protecting with Aloha,” then we would like to hear about it.
Letters of appreciation should describe the location and events of the incident along with the officer’s name and badge number (if available). In all cases, the employee and his or her supervisor are made aware of the outstanding performance and a copy of the recognition is placed in the employees personnel file.
Although our employees do not expect to be thanked for serving the community, recognition of exceptional service is always appreciated.
You may send an email through the Online Email Form or
you may send a letter or note of appreciation to:
Honolulu Police Department
Office of the Chief of Police
801 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
The Honolulu Police Department does not issue criminal history records. These records are also known as police abstracts, police certificates or police clearances in other jurisdictions.
This information is maintained by the State of Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center.
Call 911 and have an officer respond. Please be willing to meet with the officer to relate any additional information that he/she may need.
Complaints against police officers are investigated by the Honolulu Police Commission, HPD’s Professional Standards Office, or Human Resources Division depending upon the circumstances. See below for details.
If you have any questions about filing a complaint or any questions regarding disciplinary procedures you may contact the Professional Standards Office.
Professional Standards Office
If a complaint involves any of the following, contact the HPD Professional Standards Office:
-off-duty misconduct
-on-duty misconduct and is past sixty days from the incident
-is criminal in nature
-involves civilian employees of the department
Honolulu Police Department
Attention: Professional Standards Office
801 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Telephone: 808-723-3775
A notarized statement is required as part of the police union’s collective bargaining agreement. Links to the forms are listed here under the Professional Standards Office section.
If you wish to remain anonymous, your complaint will be reviewed and/or investigated in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement and departmental policy.
You may mail a notarized statement to the above address or you may appear in person and a statement will be taken by a Professional Standards Office detective and notarized at that time. Be sure to bring a proper identification card (state ID, driver’s license, passport, etc.).
If the complaint is criminal in nature, you may call 911 and have a police officer sent to your location. The officer will initiate the complaint for you and forward it to the Criminal Investigation Section of the Professional Standards Office. You may come to the Professional Standards Office and a complaint will be initiated for you by a Professional Standards Office detective.
For more information regarding these forms or how to fill them out, please contact the Professional Standard Office.
Honolulu Police Commission
If a complaint involves an officer:
-while on-duty, and
-is within sixty days of the date of the incident, and
-involves misconduct (e.g. swearing/profanity, refusal to provide name and badge number, over bearing conduct, etc.)
Honolulu Police Commission
1060 Richards Street, Suite 170
Honolulu, Hawaii
Telephone 808-723-7580.
They will require a notarized statement so be prepared to present proper identification (state ID, driver’s license, passport, etc.).
Personnel Matters
If the complaint concerns individual or family matters that do not involve criminal law violations or HPD’s Standards of Conduct (e.g., the payment of debts, personal disputes) you should contact the Human Resources Division of the Honolulu Police Department at 808-723-3557.
Effective October 1, 2018, the Honolulu Police Department will stop providing house checks. Due to the increasing use and wider availability of home security systems and surveillance cameras by homeowners, the HPD has discontinued its house check service.
The department encourages residents to take steps to secure their home and valuables at all times. Some measures, such as securing sliding glass doors and louvered windows or trimming hedges to increase street visibility, can be done easily at little cost. Other steps may require more planning. For information on how to prevent home burglaries and thefts, click here.
Motor vehicle registration for the City and County of Honolulu is conducted by the city’s Department of Customer Services.
You can contact our Records/Evidence Room at (808)723-3270 with questions related to lost property.
HPD auction items are available through the Oahu Auctions and Liquidations Web site.
The Honolulu Police Department does not provide fingerprinting services to the general public. To find organizations that does this type of service, Google search fingerprinting services in Honolulu. If your request is law enforcement related (i.e. a request for fingerprinting from another law enforcement agency), please contact the Records Division at (808) 723-3258.