The appointment, direction, and supervision of
volunteer workers for the Honolulu Police Department
(HPD) shall be based on the criteria established within this directive.
Volunteer worker: A civilian performing work for
the department in a part-time, nonsworn capacity,
with or without compensation (e.g., auxiliaries
and law enforcement explorers). A volunteer worker
performs in a support role and may have limited
powers of arrest granted by state and county laws.
A. The primary objective of the volunteer
worker program is to enlist the services of
qualified citizens to supplement the work of
HPD civilian personnel and to improve the level
of service provided by the department to the community.
B. Volunteer workers may also be used in
special departmental functions and other activities
(e.g., emergencies, special events, etc.) as authorized by the Chief of Police.
A. Human Resources Division
The Human Resources Division (HRD) shall:
1. Process volunteer workers in a manner
consistent with the processing of civilian employees; and
2. Maintain records of volunteer workers in a manner
consistent with record keeping for civilian employees.
B. Division Commanders
Division commanders shall:
1. Plan, direct, and control their own volunteer worker programs;
2. Schedule, assign, and supervise volunteer
workers assigned to their divisions;
3. Ensure that training for the volunteer
workers is detailed and specific to their assigned
duties. The training shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. Sexual harassment;
b. Workplace violence; and
c. Department directives and applicable laws; and
4. Ensure that uniforms (if any) for volunteer
workers are clearly distinguishable from those of police officers.
A. Qualifications
1. Each volunteer worker must:
a. Be a United States citizen, United States
b. Be willing to conform to departmental
standards of conduct, directives, orders, and
procedures, both on and off duty; and
c. Pass a background investigation.
2. If relevant, each volunteer worker shall be
required to satisfactorily pass a physical
examination and oral interview and meet any
other prescribed criteria.
B. Request Process
1. All requests for a volunteer worker shall be
initiated by a current departmental employee.
2. Justification for the request, the volunteer’s
duties and hours, and the length of volunteer
service shall be included in a To/From report.
3. The To/From report shall be routed to the HRD via
the initiating element’s command, bureau chief,
and Administrative Bureau’s assistant chief.
C. Appointment
Upon appointment, each volunteer worker shall
take the oath of loyalty as required by
Section 85-32 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes.
D. Work Requirements
1. Volunteer workers shall be required
to work a minimum of five hours each week,
unless authorized to work fewer hours.
2. Volunteer workers shall report for duty
promptly as scheduled.
3. If for any reason a volunteer worker
finds it impossible to report for duty on the
day scheduled, the volunteer shall notify the
division commander no later than two hours prior
to the duty time. An alternate time may be arranged.
4. A volunteer worker absent from duty
without proper authorization shall be marked
absent without leave and shall not be allowed
to return for duty until the absence is
satisfactorily explained to the division commander.
a. The explanation shall be in writing.
The original report, with the division
commander’s recommendation and signature,
shall be forwarded to the Human Resources
Officer and placed in the volunteer’s personnel file.
b. Three unexcused or unsatisfactorily explained
absences during a 12-month period shall be cause
for severance from the volunteer program.
E. Leaves of Absence
A volunteer worker desiring a leave of absence
shall submit the request in writing on a Request
for Leave (with/without) Pay, HPD-357 form,
via channels to the division commander.
1. A leave of absence must be approved by the Chief of Police.
2. The Chief of Police may deny a request for
leave and require the volunteer to resign.
F. Transfers
A volunteer worker desiring transfer from one
element to another shall submit a To/From request
via the chain of command to the HRD commander.
In addition, the commander of the division to
which the volunteer worker desires to transfer
shall also submit to the HRD commander a To/From
report acknowledging his or her willingness to
accept the volunteer worker.
1. All transfers shall be processed in
accordance with procedures established for
civilian employees (e.g., endorsement/comment
by supervisors, submission via channels, etc.).
2. Consideration will be given to those
with special abilities or talent in a particular field.
3. No volunteer worker shall be transferred
without the approval of the Chief of Police.
G. Performance Evaluation
Each calendar year, the performance of
volunteer workers shall be rated on forms
prescribed by the HRD.(Semiannual ratings
shall be made during the probationary period.)
H. Separation
1. Resignation
A volunteer worker may resign from the program
by submitting a notice of resignation to the
Chief of Police using the Resignation form,
HPD-259. To resign in good standing, a volunteer
worker must submit the notice at least 14 calendar
days prior to the date of separation. Failure to
give such notice shall result in forfeiture of the
right to reinstatement.
2. Dismissal
a. The Chief of Police may dismiss a
volunteer worker when the volunteer is in
violation of departmental standards of conduct
or directives or when the Chief of Police
considers the dismissal to be for the good
of the department.
Volunteer workers terminated for cause shall
not again be eligible for volunteer work in the department.
b. Volunteer workers shall be summarily
dismissed from the department if their outside
employment constitutes a conflict of interest
with their police service.
I. Reinstatement
A volunteer worker who resigns in good
standing may be granted reinstatement rights.
Such eligibility shall be limited to three
years, starting from the date of resignation.
J. Personal Status
Volunteer workers shall notify the HRD of any
changes in home address, telephone number,
employment, and marital status and of additions
to the family or deaths in the immediate family
on a Change of Status Notification, HPD-349 form.
A. The Law Enforcement Explorer Program
(LEEP) is sponsored by the HPD and chartered
by the Aloha Council, Boy Scouts of America.
This program is designed to promote a better
understanding of law enforcement and its
mission for young adults.
B. The Community Affairs Division shall
facilitate this program by:
1. Receiving and coordinating applications for the LEEP;
2. Acting as the department’s liaison with
the Explorer Division, Aloha Council, Boy Scouts
of America; and
3. Promoting the LEEP’s goals by providing
youths with a better understanding of law enforcement.
C. The LEEP shall be guided by its
established program procedures and guidelines.
It is exempt from the requirements of sections
III and IV of this directive.
For information about other programs involving
volunteers that are not covered by this directive,
see Policy 2.30, RESERVE OFFICER PROGRAM; and