Victims of serious crimes often look to the
police for guidance and resources available to
them. Crime victims may also be entitled to
compensation from the Crime Victims Compensation
Commission. The victim assistance and resource
card (see the attachment) will assist both officers
and victims of serious crimes.
A. Victim/Dependent Awards
1. The law provides for awards to the following:
victims of certain crimes, dependents or parents of
deceased victims of such crimes, or anyone who is
responsible for the maintenance of a victim of such
crimes and who has suffered a loss or incurred
expenses as a result of the injury or death of the
victim. The crimes covered by this part of the law include:
a. Murder (first and second degree);
b. Manslaughter;
c. Negligent homicide (first and second degree);
d. Negligent injury (first and second degree
and includes injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents);
e. Assault (first, second, and third degree);
f. Kidnapping;
g. Sexual assault (first, second, third, and fourth degree);
h. Abuse of family or household member; and
i. International terrorism (a Hawaii resident
who is a victim of international terrorism).
2. Compensation may be awarded for:
a. Expenses incurred because of the victim’s injury or death; and
b. Loss of earning power.
B. Private Citizen Awards
The law also provides for compensation awards to
private citizens who incur injury or property
damage while preventing a crime, apprehending a
criminal, or assisting a peace officer in either of the above.
C. Awards
All awards are made by the Crime Victims Compensation Commission.
A. Officers shall inform victims of domestic
violence of the community resources available to
them. Such efforts include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Handing out the victim assistance and
resource cards or other available brochures/cards; and
2. Providing information on the availability
of shelters and about other community violence
projects and shelters that are known to the police.
B. The Victim/Witness Kokua Services of the
Department of the Prosecuting Attorney may be
contacted for appointments for the following:
1. Processing misdemeanor criminal complaints; and
2. Obtaining assistance when there has been
a violation of a Family Court protective order
whereby the respondent has left the scene and
the investigation has been completed.
C. The Adult Services Branch of the Family
Court may be contacted for a prescreening
appointment and for assistance in the following:
1. Obtaining a Family Court protective order; and
2. Completing necessary documents and scheduling a court hearing.
Prearranged appointments are required and will be
limited to those who meet minimum qualifications.
The victim assistance and resource cards will
be distributed to all patrol divisions, the
Traffic Division, and the Criminal Investigation Division.
A. Patrol officers shall give cards to
victims or dependents of deceased victims of
misdemeanor offenses listed in section I A 1 above.
B. Traffic Division officers shall give cards
to victims or dependents of deceased victims of felony
traffic offenses listed in section I A 1 above.
C. Detectives shall give cards to victims or
dependents of deceased victims of felony offenses
listed in section I A 1 above.
D. Additional cards will be available through
the Publications Section, Finance Division.