Personnel of the Honolulu Police Department shall
be guided by the following policy in the disposal
of vehicles, keys, and property relative to motor
vehicles that are taken into police custody. The
towing policy shall be observed whenever any vehicle is to be towed.
When a vehicle being driven by someone taken
into police custody is not connected to a crime:
A. An officer at the scene shall assist
the driver in locating someone to remove the
vehicle and shall list the names of all parties who were contacted.
1. If the driver cannot locate anyone to
remove the vehicle and gives his or her consent,
the vehicle shall be parked and secured where it
will not violate any traffic laws for a reasonable
period. Its location shall be recorded in the police report.
2. The keys shall be treated as prisoner property.
B. If the vehicle cannot be secured for any
reason, the driver shall have the option to have
it towed. The location of the storage lot shall
be recorded in the police report.
C. If the driver refuses to allow the vehicle
to be towed in spite of a traffic law violation, the officer shall:
1. Warn the driver of the violation;
2. Take appropriate law enforcement action
(which may be a citation and/or towing); and
3. Document the warning and the action taken in the police report.
D. The arrestee should be advised that items
of value can be processed as prisoner property.
A. When a vehicle is seized under the provision of
Chapter 712A, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), a copy of
the report shall be forwarded immediately to the Forfeiture
Detail, Narcotics/Vice Division.
B. The vehicle shall be transported to the nearest police facility.
1. At the Alapai headquarters:
a. The element responsible for the seizure
of the vehicle shall submit the keys to the
Evidence Room, Records and Identification Division; and
b. The Alapai parking facility policy shall be observed.
2. At other facilities, the vehicle shall be
secured in a designated area and the keys shall be held as evidence.
3. “Forfeiture tags” shall be placed on the vehicle’s windshield.
C. Unless there is a court order, prosecutor’s
memo, or investigator’s release, the vehicle/keys shall not be released.
A. A vehicle seized as evidence shall be
transported to the nearest police facility.
1. At the Alapai headquarters:
a. The keys shall be submitted to the Evidence
Room, Records and Identification Division; and
b. The Alapai parking facility policy shall be observed.
2. At other facilities, the vehicle shall be
secured in a designated area and the keys shall be held as evidence.
3. “Evidence tags” shall be placed on the vehicle’s windshield.
B. The vehicle/keys shall not be released
unless there is a court order, prosecutor’s memo,
authorization of the investigator-in-charge of the
case, corporation counsel decision, or administrative
review for release to its owner or an agency.
A. Evidence items shall be properly processed.
B. Items of value can be processed as prisoner
property unless impractical (e.g. perishable or bulky items).
C. If there is any uncertainty about the
ownership of any item found in the vehicle, an
incident report shall be completed by the employee
discovering the item.
A. Vehicles seized under Chapter 712A, HRS,
and transported to the Alapai headquarters shall
be removed within ten calendar days by the
Forfeiture Detail, Narcotics/Vice Division.
B. Evidence vehicles transported to the
Alapai headquarters shall be removed within ten
calendar days by the investigative element
responsible for the disposition of the case.
C. If a vehicle cannot be removed within
ten calendar days, the responsible element
commander shall request an extension to the
deadline, via channels, to the Alapai parking coordinator by:
1. Justifying the need for an extension; and
2. Providing an estimated date for the vehicle’s removal.