The Honolulu Police Department allows officers the use
of discretion in the performance of their duties.
Discretion: The ability to govern and discipline one’s activities by use of reason and prudence. Discretion includes many concepts: skill and judgment in the use of resources; the power of free decision or the latitude of choice; wisdom; experience; training; law; and departmental policy, procedures, regulations, written directives, and orders.
The limits of discretion shall be defined by laws,
departmental directives, and training with
consideration given to what is in the best interest of
the community and the department.
A. All officers are encouraged to exercise discretion when dealing with their many duties. An officer’s discretion must be soundly based upon and is limited by the law, departmental directives, experience, and training.
B. The use of discretion is not permitted when certain activities are mandated by statute, departmental directive, or supervisory direction.
C. Officers shall seek direction from their supervisor when the appropriate course of action is in doubt.