The Honolulu Police Department (HPD) shall have
a contingency plan available for implementation
in the event the Mayor requests assistance from
the Communications Division because of a disabled vehicle.
A. The Division of Automotive Equipment
Service, Department of Facility Maintenance
(DFM), is charged with the responsibility of
maintaining the Mayor’s vehicles.
B. The HPD’s Vehicle Maintenance Section
(VMS) is designated as the alternate agency
for the maintenance of the Mayor’s vehicles.
The VMS shall be responsible for the maintenance
of the Mayor’s vehicles at the request of the
Mayor or an authorized designee or by request from the DFM.
A. Site Other Than the Mayor’s Residence
1. Communications Division Responsibilities
a. The nearest available beat officer and
sector sergeant shall be sent to the location the Mayor has reported.
b. If the Mayor’s vehicle is inoperable,
the Communications Division shall contact the
Division of Automotive Equipment Service and
notify them of the circumstances (see the
attachment for telephone numbers and hours).
c. If contact cannot be made with personnel
from the Division of Automotive Equipment Service,
the Communications Division shall notify the HPD
mechanic listed on standby of the circumstances
and the location of the Mayor’s vehicle.
d. If the Mayor’s vehicle needs to be towed,
the Communications Division shall contact the
zone tow to tow the vehicle to the HPD garage for safekeeping.
2. Patrol Division Responsibilities
a. The nearest beat officer and sector
sergeant shall respond to the Mayor’s location
to offer any assistance that can be rendered.
b. If the Mayor is unable to wait for the
necessary maintenance personnel to respond, the
sector sergeant shall notify the Communications
Division and transport the Mayor to the destination desired.
The sector sergeant shall determine whether
the Mayor requires further transportation
from the initial destination and make any
necessary arrangements.
c. The beat officer shall stand by with
the Mayor’s vehicle until maintenance personnel
arrive at the scene and the vehicle is either
driven or removed from the site for safekeeping.
3. Police Garage Responsibilities
a. The police garage superintendent shall
provide the Communications Division with a
current list of standby mechanics and supervisors.
b. Upon notification by the Communications
Division, the standby mechanic shall respond to
the Mayor’s location to provide assistance.
c. If the standby mechanic is unable to
render the vehicle operable, the vehicle is
to be removed in accordance with the procedures listed above.
d. If the Mayor’s vehicle is towed to
the HPD garage for safekeeping, the garage
superintendent or the superintendent’s
designee shall contact the DFM’s Division
of Automotive Equipment Service at the
earliest opportunity to arrange for the
vehicle’s removal to their site.
B. The Mayor’s Residence
1. Should the Mayor call the Communications
Division from his residence for assistance with
an inoperable vehicle, the Communications Division
and patrol division personnel shall follow the
procedures outlined in section II A above,
excluding any movement or towing of the vehicle.
2. If the DFM cannot be notified and
the HPD garage standby mechanic cannot
render the vehicle operable, the vehicle
shall be left secured at the Mayor’s residence
and the mechanic shall notify the police
garage superintendent or the superintendent’s
designee of that fact.
3. The police garage superintendent
or the superintendent’s designee shall,
at the earliest opportunity, contact the
DFM’s Division of Automotive Equipment
Service to notify them of the situation
and arrange for the vehicle’s removal to their site.