I. The Information Technology Division (ITD)
shall coordinate all projects involving the testing,
evaluation, purchase, or lease of electronic data
processing equipment for the department.
II. Departmental personnel may acquire their
own equipment for their own use in accordance with section III below.
I. Any element desiring to acquire electronic
data processing equipment for testing and evaluation
or permanent installation shall:
A. Develop a project proposal explaining the
need for electronic data processing equipment;
B. Submit the project proposal to the ITD for consultation;
C. Secure a use contract or prepare a budget
request for the equipment, working with both the
vendor and the ITD staff;
D. Conduct the testing and evaluation of the
equipment and prepare a post evaluation report within
90 days after the start of the evaluation program.
Additional evaluation reports will be required every
90 days if the evaluation continues for more than 90 days; and
E. Submit the post evaluation report to the ITD.
A. Any project that will affect more than
one division level element shall be coordinated
with the ITD. Under its direction, an element
may be asked to conduct tests within the element’s environment.
B. When selecting equipment to be tested,
consideration must be given to all vendors who
produce equipment that meets the criteria of
the test environment. All vendors must be given
an opportunity to demonstrate their equipment.
C. Any agreements for the loan or testing
of equipment shall be submitted, via official
channels, to the ITD and the Department of the
Corporation Counsel for approval prior to delivery
of the equipment. Loan contracts will be signed
for the department by the commander of the ITD.
D. Whenever an element intends to purchase
or lease electronic, data processing equipment,
a detailed report shall be submitted to the Data
Processing Management Review Committee (DPMRC)
outlining the equipment and the project for which
it will be used. The concept must be approved by
the DPMRC prior to the purchase or lease of the equipment.
E. Contracts to purchase or lease equipment
must be submitted, via official channels, to the
Finance Division. Contracts for the purchase or
lease of electronic data processing equipment
shall be signed by the commander of the Finance Division.
Departmental personnel are authorized to acquire
and use their own supplemental data and word
processing equipment (e.g., personal computers
and electric/electronic typewriters) in their work.
The use of such equipment is necessary to
facilitate the discharge of official duties
and the completion of work required by the
department without undue delay in many cases.
This authorization is, therefore, granted for
the convenience of the department as well as
the individuals concerned. This authorization
is subject to the following restrictions:
A. The equipment must be capable of producing
documents on 8-1/2″ x 11″ paper using standard type.
B. The department is not responsible for any
expenses or liability concerning such equipment,
no matter where it is located. The owner assumes
all responsibility to include:
1. Maintenance and repair of the equipment;
2. Purchase and maintenance of all accessories
(e.g., printers, typewriter cartridges, etc.); and
3. Security of the equipment.
C. Under no circumstances shall any privately
owned data or word processing equipment be linked
in any way, directly or indirectly, to a computer
or network of the department or the Department of
Information Technology without the prior written
approval of the commander of the ITD. Under no
circumstances shall automated files or programs
of the department or city be downloaded to or
installed on privately owned equipment without
the prior written approval of the commander of the ITD.
D. All information that relates to the
department or the individual’s duties and is
recorded via supplemental data or word
processing equipment is the property of the
department. All such information shall be
retained by the department when the individual
leaves the assignment during which the information was recorded.