Departmental personnel are encouraged to
submit suggestions/ideas to the Chief of
Police to improve or change any aspect of
this organization.
Each suggestion should be accompanied by a
specific proposal to implement the idea.
This system is designed to elicit constructive
suggestions; it should not be used for grievances
and personal criticism.
Suggestions may be submitted anonymously.
However, employees who identify themselves
will receive feedback on their suggestions.
In addition, they may be consulted if their
suggestions are considered for implementation.
Personnel may submit suggestions in any of the following formats:
A. The standard To/From memorandum format
should be used for suggestions submitted to the
Chief of Police via the chain of command. All
personnel in the chain of command shall provide
comments for or against the suggestion. Each
suggestion will go to the Chief of Police, and
the suggester will receive a response;
B. The departmental e-mail system may
also be used for suggestions. Suggestions
may be sent directly to the Chief of Police,
and the suggester will receive a response;
C. Any written format may be used for
suggestions that are submitted anonymously
and do not go through the chain of command.
These suggestions should be delivered to the
sergeant in the Office of the Chief. In these
cases, the originator will not receive a response; or
D. Suggestions may be submitted via the
department’s intranet site, Ka Pahu Mana’o.
In these circumstances, the response will be posted on the intranet site.