In the event a sea mammal is found stranded or beached, the
department’s role will be limited to providing support to
the National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Department of Commerce.
A. The National Marine Fisheries Service is
the only government agency having jurisdiction
over stranded or beached sea mammals.
B. Only agents of the National Marine Fisheries
Service or persons granted the authority to act
on their behalf have the authority to determine
the manner in which to dispose of the carcass of
a sea mammal.
When a report is received of a sea mammal found stranded or beached:
A. The Communications Division shall assign an
officer to confirm the complaint;
B. The responding officer shall:
1. Notify the Communications Division of the
number and condition of the mammals in distress,
their description, exact location, injury
description, and other pertinent information
necessary to facilitate rescue or removal;
2. Secure the scene, keeping away persons not
involved or authorized in the rescue effort; and
3. Document the incident as a Miscellaneous Public case;
C. The officer in charge of the Communications
Division shall contact the Protected Species
Program, National Marine Fisheries Service, from
a list of telephone numbers maintained in the
Communications Division;
D. An authorized agent of the Protected Species
Program will notify the Communications Division
of the persons or groups granted authority to act
on behalf of the National Marine Fisheries Service
in the disposition of the sea mammal; and
E. The Communications Division shall immediately
inform the officer of the estimated time of arrival
and the persons or groups granted authority to act
on behalf of the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Volunteers have no official authority to intervene
in any rescue attempt unless directed to do so by
agents of the National Marine Fisheries Service.