To minimize repeated checks of stalled
and unattended vehicles, colored stickers
shall be used to indicate if and when a
vehicle has been checked.
A. The temporary adhesive stickers are
approximately five inches by six inches.
B. Three different colored stickers will
signify when a vehicle was checked. Red
stickers shall be used during the first
watch, green stickers during the second
watch, and yellow stickers during the third watch.
C. These stickers should enable officers
to assess, at a glance, the need for
another check or other appropriate action.
A. Stickers shall be completed and
affixed when initial checks are made
on stalled/unattended vehicles. An
explanation about the sticker,
emphasizing that it is not a citation,
shall be given to any attendee.
B. Stickers shall be affixed on the
lower-left corner of the rear window.
When more than one is needed, stickers
shall be placed next to each other
along the bottom edge of the rear window.
C. If a rear window is unavailable,
stickers should be affixed so that
they are readily visible to approaching vehicles.
D. Officers should remove stickers when
vehicles are moved. Also, officers who
observe stickers on any moving vehicles
should remind drivers to remove them.
E. Each element shall obtain stickers
for its use from the Publications Unit,
Finance Division, by submitting a Request
for Printing e-form.
F. Officers shall inform the Communications
Division to place vehicles checked on
federal aid roadways onto the federal aid log.