It is the policy of the Honolulu Police Department (HPD) to
ensure that each request for an opinion from the Department of
the Corporation Counsel (COR) is germane.
A. For requesting legal opinions, the senior police legal
adv isor of the HPD is designated as the departmental
coordinator and liaison officer between the police
department and the COR.
B. In the absence of the senior police legal advisor, the
assistant chief in charge of the Administrative Bureau
shall act as the departmental coordinator and liaison
officer .
A. Whenever a legal opinion is sought, the written request
shall be submitted through channels to the assistant
chief of the bureau and include the following:
1. The name, telephone number, and e-mail address of
the requestor (or contact person who, if needed,
may provide clarification to the COR);
2. A concise statement comprised of the specific
request being made to the COR and pertinent
background information;
3. A due date for the response from the COR; and
4. An attachment comprised of relevant documents,
forms, and information.
B. After review and approval by the ass i stant chief of the
bureau, the request shal l be forwarded to the
departmental coordinator.
C. After reviewing and approving the request, the
departmental coordinator shall format the request as a
memorandum and promptly submit it to the COR. Copies
shall be distributed to the originating element.
D. When the opinion is received from the COR, the original
shall be filed with the Office of the Chief and copies
shall be sent to the originating element and
departmental coordinator.
E. Exceptions to the process may be made if an immediate
opinion from the COR is required. Upon approval by the
element’s command, the reques t shall be submitted
through channels to the departmental coordinator for
appropriate action.