Employees of the Honolulu Police Department (HPD)
shall be guided by this directive in determining
probationary appointments, promotions, and terminations.
A. Police recruit officers, helicopter
pilots, and police radio dispatchers shall
serve an initial probationary period of 12
months from his or her appointment date.
All other employees shall be considered
probationary for a period of six months.
1. The Chief of Police may remove,
demote, suspend, or request the resignation
of any probationer at any time during the probationary period.
2. During the probationary period, the
immediate supervisor shall furnish a Performance
Evaluation Reports (PER) e-form to the commander
of the Human Resources Division (HRD) regarding
the efficiency and progress of the probationer.
These reports may be submitted on a quarterly,
semiannual, or annual basis or whenever requested by the HRD.
3. The purposes for submitting reports for
each probationer are to evaluate the employee
and to improve his or her performance.
B. One month prior to the expiration of
the initial probationary period, the immediate
supervisor shall complete and forward a
probationary PER report to the HRD commander,
with a copy to the employee’s element commander,
describing the progress made by the probationer.
If the report is satisfactory, the HRD commander
or designee shall endorse the probationer’s personnel
record “probation satisfactory.” If the report shows
unsatisfactory progress by the probationer, the HRD
commander or designee shall forward the report to the
Chief of Police with his or her recommendations regarding
the probationer’s status.
Promotion is the movement of a regular employee
to a position at a higher classification and pay range.
A. Promotions shall be effected primarily on a competitive basis.
B. The procedures used for processing any
promotion shall comply with civil service rules
and shall be consistent with the applicable
collective bargaining agreement.
C. Promotional announcements for the ranks
of sergeant and lieutenant will state the minimum
requirements and permissible substitutions.
D. Applicants for promotion shall review the
applicable announcement and ensure that they meet
the minimum requirements needed to participate in
the promotional process.
A. Voluntary Resignation
1. When an employee decides to voluntarily
terminate employment, the employee shall report to the HRD.
2. The official resignation, HPD 259 and
C&C 45 forms, shall be prepared at the HRD.
The HRD commander or a designee shall conduct
the preliminary, exit-from-service interview.
3. The resignation must be submitted through
channels no less than l4 calendar days prior to
the effective termination date. The Chief of
Police may, however, waive the requirement for advance notice.
4. An employee desiring to rescind a voluntary
resignation must submit a written request to the
Chief of Police via normal channels and the HRD
commander prior to the effective date.
5. Once a resignation is accepted by the
Chief of Police, it may not be withdrawn without the Chief’s consent.
B. Dismissal
1. The employee is entitled to a predetermination
meeting in accordance with civil service regulations.
2. The employee shall process only the Employee Clearance Slip, HPD 368 form.
C. Termination of Initial Probation
The employee shall process only the Employee Clearance Slip, HPD 368 form.
D. Service Retirement
Separation for retirement shall be processed in
the same manner as for voluntary termination of
employment. Official service retirement may be
awarded only by the Employees’ Retirement System.
E. Employee Clearance Form Processing
1. Element commanders shall ensure that
prior to the effective date of separation, the:
a. Employee personally carries the
HPD 368 form to the listed locations to return
departmental equipment and supplies and to refund allowances; and
b. Completed HPD-368 form is returned to the HRD.
2. The person designated in each area on the
administrative clearance form should ensure that
the employee has met the area clearance requirements
prior to endorsing the form.
F. Issuance of Retiree Identification Cards
1. Employees who meet retirement eligibility
and retire in good standing may request the
issuance of a departmental retiree identification (ID) card.
2. An employee who retires while the subject
of any pending, administrative or criminal
investigation shall be deemed to have retired
in “other than good standing.” The employee
shall not be issued a departmental retiree ID
card until the investigation is complete and
their retirement is reclassified as being in good standing.
3. A former employee whose retirement is
subsequently reclassified from “other than good
standing” to one in “good standing” may submit
a request for the issuance of a retiree ID card to the commander of the HRD.
4. Employees who resign or are dismissed are
not entitled to a retiree ID card.