The Major Events Division (MED) command truck
shall be used and operated in accordance with this directive.
A. The primary function of the MED command
truck is to provide a command, control, and
communications platform to assist field or support
units during disasters, terrorism events, planned
events, or training for such incidents.
B. The MED command truck is capable of
providing support by functioning as:
1. An interoperable communications vehicle
for incidents involving multiple agencies,
departments, or critical infrastructure private
organizations (e.g., electric company, telephone
company, water company, etc.);
2. A command post for preplanned events
(e.g., large parades, multiagency training
exercises, community events with large gatherings,
or incidents of national significance);
3. An operations command post for incidents
such as hostage/barricade situations and search operations; or
4. A resource for any mission deemed necessary
by the Chief of Police or designee.
A. MED Commander
1. The MED command truck is under the command
of the MED commander or designee.
2. The MED commander or designee shall determine
when mobilization of the command truck is required
and shall notify the necessary personnel for its operations.
3. The MED commander shall provide the
Communications Division with a list of
emergency telephone contact numbers. This
list shall be updated as necessary.
4. The MED commander shall establish
internal procedures and guidelines for the
command truck to include, but not be limited
to, the following:
a. Personnel responsibilities;
b. Operator qualifications;
c. Vehicle use;
d. Mobilization of the command truck;
e. Maintenance, repair, or out-of-service; and
f. Parking.
B. MED Command Truck Operators
l. Only persons authorized by the MED
commander or designee shall operate the command truck.
2. Operators of the command truck shall
receive training to ensure the safe operation of the truck.
C. Support Personnel
MED support personnel assigned to the command
truck shall have training and a working knowledge
of the truck and its components.
The MED commander or designee shall establish
procedures for the maintenance and care of the
command truck to ensure its safe operation.
A. Emergency Use
l. An incident commander (lieutenant or
above), who is in charge of an event (e.g.,
disaster, explosion, terrorist act, tactical
operation, etc.) that is expected to last
more than four hours, may request the command
truck by contacting the Communications Division.
The Communications Division shall immediately
contact an MED emergency contact designee with
information provided by the incident commander.
2. The Communications Division shall provide
the MED emergency contact designee with the following:
a. Name of the person making the request,
the person’s radio call number, and the radio
talk group or frequency of the incident/operation;
b. Type of incident and purpose for requesting the command truck;
c. A telephone contact number; and
d. The location where the command truck is needed.
B. Nonemergency Requests
1. Requests for tactical nonemergency
operations (e.g., counter-drug operations,
Community Area of Responsibility projects,
etc.) shall be routed via channels to the
assistant chief of the Special Field Operations Bureau (SFOB).
2. Nonemergency requests to mobilize
the command truck for homeland security
presentations or planned community events
(e.g., parades, community displays, etc.)
shall be routed via channels as follows:
a. Internal requests shall be routed via
the assistant chief of the SFOB to the MED commander.
b. External requests shall be routed via
the Community Affairs Division and the assistant
chief of the SFOB to the MED commander.
3. The command truck may be used for
preplanned training exercises or other
training purposes as determined by the MED
commander or designee.
When mobilized, the command truck operator
shall use the operator’s assigned police
radio call number. The operator shall inform
the radio dispatcher that the command truck has been deployed.
The MED shall maintain reports of inspections
and repairs of the command truck in accordance
with procedures established in the divisional manual of operations.