A. Emergency Fire Coordinator
The commander or designee of the Central
Receiving Division (CRD) is the department’s emergency fire coordinator.
The emergency fire coordinator shall:
1. Direct all emergency operations concerning
evacuation and attempts to extinguish certain types of fires;
2. Assign personnel to ensure that all floors,
including the restrooms and secluded areas, are
evacuated in an orderly manner and provide assistance for visitors;
3. Assign officers to act as fire location reporters to direct firefighters;
4. Conduct a diagnostic test of the building’s
fire alarm system at scheduled intervals to
ensure that each alarm device is working properly;
5. Conduct a comprehensive fire drill, at least
once a year, for the Alapai headquarters. The
drill shall be a dress rehearsal that begins
with the sounding of the general alarm and ends
with personnel assembled and accounted for outside of the building. Also:
a. Coordinate the execution of the drills with
the Honolulu Fire Department and the Professional
Standards Office (PSO). The PSO shall conduct
unscheduled inspections on elements’ responses to the fire drill; and
b. Notify all elements at least one week prior to a drill; and
6. Maintain the Alapai Headquarters Fire Safety Plan
posted on the Honolulu Police Department (HPD) intranet.
B. Element Fire Coordinators
1. The personnel listed below are coordinators
for their elements and/or work areas as indicated.
a. Fourth floor:
Administrative Aide in the Office of the Chief–for the entire fourth floor.
b. Third floor:
(1) Commander, Communications Division
(2) Commander, PSO
(3) Commander, Intelligence Enforcement Unit
(4) Commander, Information Technology Division
(ITD)–for the computer equipment room and computer training room
c. Second floor:
(1) Commander, Criminal Investigation Division
(2) Commander, Finance Division or Publications Section
d. First floor:
(1) Commander, Community Affairs Division Section
(2) Commander, Records and Identification Division
(3) Commander, Human Resources Division
(4) Commander, Major Events Division (MED)
(5) Commander, ITD
e. Floor B-1:
(1) Commander, CRD
(2) Commander, Traffic Division
(3) Commander, District 1
(4) Commander, District 6
(5) Commander, District 7
(6) Commander, Specialized Services Division
(7) Property and Supply Manager, Property and Supply Section
f. Floor B-2:
(1) Officer-In-Charge, Narcotics/Vice Satellite Office
(2) Forensic Laboratory Director, Scientific Investigation Section
(3) Officer-In-Charge, Evidence Room
(4) Photo Technician III, Photo Laboratory
(5) Facility maintenance offices
g. Parking Levels P-1, P-2, and P-3:
(1) Automotive Equipment Superintendent I, Vehicle Maintenance Section
(2) Radio Communications Coordinator, Telecommunications
Systems Section (TSS) workstations
h. Training Academy:
Commander, Training Division–for the entire Training Academy
i. TSS Koapaka Street facility:
Radio Communications Coordinator–for the entire TSS Koapaka Street facility
j. Patrol facilities outside the Alapai headquarters:
District commanders are the coordinators for patrol
facilities outside the Alapai headquarters, such as
the regional stations and substations and the Waikiki,
Downtown Chinatown, and Waipahu facilities.
2. Duties
The fire coordinators or designees shall:
a. Develop written procedures for evacuation in the
event of a fire and oversee the evacuation of their assigned work areas;
b. Organize and execute fire drills at regular intervals;
c. Account for all employees in their assigned
work areas after they have been evacuated and relocated to a safe area;
d. Direct their employees after the evacuation is completed;
e. Consult with the Honolulu Fire Department
before changing the placement or number of fire
extinguishers in their work areas; and
f. Know the names and designated workstations
of all disabled persons in their elements and ensure that they are evacuated.
C. While most of the evacuation responsibilities
are assigned, all personnel should assist one
another and visitors in an emergency.
Element commanders shall take measures to
minimize the potential for fire hazards in
their work areas. Such measures shall include
attentiveness to the fire hazards of the following:
A. Storage of potentially combustible chemicals and gases;
B. Use of electrical outlets, extension cords, and appliances;
C. Use of equipment (e.g., computers, generators,
and motors) which produce heat that can be a concern; and
D. Use of open flames or cooking equipment.
Both are prohibited unless specifically necessary
for conducting required departmental duties.
A. The activation of any fire detection device
[e.g., smoke, overhead sprinkler, and Fire
Suppression System (FSS)] will sound the general
alarm (a loud, pulsating, buzzing tone) throughout the building.
B. Fire Alarm Pull Box System
1. Fire alarm pull boxes are located throughout the building.
2. The system can be activated by pulling down
the lever on a pull box. An activated box will sound the general alarm.
3. Pull boxes located outside the building have
a plastic cover which must be removed before the lever can be pulled.
C. Smoke Alarm System
1. Smoke detection devices are located on the ceiling throughout the building.
2. Smoke will activate these devices. An activated
device will sound the general alarm.
D. Portable Fire Extinguishing System
1. Portable fire extinguishers are located in
cases throughout the building. Each can be
accessed by breaking the glass on the door of
the case and pushing down on the lever that unlatches the door.
2. Each extinguisher bears operational instructions.
In addition, the department shall provide training
to its employees on the fundamental operation of the extinguishers.
E. Overhead Sprinkler System
1. Overhead sprinkler devices, located throughout
the building and garage areas, are activated by extreme heat.
2. Activating any overhead sprinkler device will sound the general alarm.
F. HFC-125 FSS
1. Location of the FSS detection devices
a. Communications Division
b. Computer equipment room (third floor)
c. Scientific Investigation Section
(1) Scanning electron microscope room
(2) Instrumentation room
d. Each FSS-protected room is marked above its
door and has a control panel with a red button
and yellow button inside the room near the door.
The red one is a switch to manually activate the
system and the yellow one is a switch to abort the system.
2. Automatic Activation
a. The FSS is activated automatically by smoke or heat.
b. Stage 1: Initial Activation
(1) An activated FSS detection device will sound
the general alarm and a pulsating alarm within
the protected room. Both alarms will continue
to sound until the system is reset.
(2) To manually abort at stage 1, press and
hold down the yellow abort button until the
system is reset or the system will proceed
to stage 2. Discontinuation of all audible
alarms confirms that the system has been reset.
c. Stage 2: Activation of a Second Device
(1) At Stage 2, a second detection device in
the same room is activated and the pulsating
alarm within the room becomes a steady tone.
(2) The FSS will be discharged in the room 20
seconds after the steady tone begins.
(3) The general alarm will continue to sound throughout the building.
(4) To manually abort at Stage 2, press and hold
down the yellow abort button until the system is
reset or the FSS will be discharged. Discontinuation
of all audible alarms confirms that the system has been reset.
3. Manual Activation
a. To manually activate the FSS, remove the
safety clip from the red activation button,
press the button, and leave the room.
b. The general alarm will sound and a steady
tone alarm will sound within the FSS protected
room. The FSS will be discharged 20 seconds after the alarms begin.
c. Once the FSS is activated manually, it
cannot be aborted. It will run its course
until the FSS in the affected area is discharged and the system is reset.
3. Do not use the elevator under any circumstances.
a. Disruption of electricity may cause elevator failure.
b. Upon activation of the general alarm the double doors outside each elevator on every floor will automatically close.
c. Activation of the general alarm will cause the elevators to proceed to predetermined floors away from the fire alarm area. The elevator doors will open and the elevators will lock on those floors.
d. Personnel riding the elevator during the general alarm should leave the elevator when it stops and then proceed to the nearest building exit;
4. After exiting the building, proceed to the designated refuge area and follow the directions of the element’s fire coordinator; and
5. Remain in the refuge area until further advised by the element’s fire coordinator.
D. Other Evacuation Assistance
The officer who is assigned to the security booth shall be responsible for evacuating the snack shop (next to the MED) and the credit union office.
A. The central control and primary annunciator
panel for the fire alarm pull box, smoke detection,
and overhead sprinkler systems are located in
the CRD. A secondary annunciator panel is located in the security booth.
B. The central control and annunciator panel for
the FSS are located on the third floor in the FSS control room.
Element commanders shall ensure that employees
under their command are aware of the evacuation
routes for exiting their work facility/building.
Commanders shall also post a map of the route
in an area that is accessible to all employees in the element.
Employees are responsible for knowing the
evacuation routes of their elements. They
should also be familiar with the evacuation
routes of elements other than their own.
A. Initial Reporting: Alapai Headquarters
1. Unless otherwise directed (e.g., a scheduled
drill or test of the system), anyone who sees a
fire shall, as a general rule, leave the area and exit the building.
2. If an alarm has not yet sounded while the
person is evacuating the area, he or she is
urged to assist in informing others (i.e.,
verbally or by activating a pull box) of the
fire. This effort should be made only when the
person feels it will not jeopardize his or her safety.
3. Notification by telephone should be made to
the CRD with the following information:
a. Exact location and description of fire; and
b. Name and location of reporting person.
B. CRD Response
Upon hearing the general audible alarm and/or
receiving notification of a fire, the officer
in charge of the CRD shall have officers:
1. Notify the Honolulu Fire Department (because
the system does not automatically notify them);
2. Notify the Communications Division to activate and monitor police radio talk group ALERT-1 for the CRD;
3. Respond to the general location of the fire alarm with portable radios utilizing police radio talk group ALERT-1;
4. Assess the situation and coordinate activities
with the Honolulu Fire Department; and
5. Assist in the evacuation of persons from the building.
C. Evacuation: Alapai Headquarters
When the general alarm sounds, personnel shall
evacuate the building in accordance with exit
routes established for the work area. The
following are additional guidelines for a safe evacuation:
1. Leave the building in an orderly manner via
the nearest exit. Avoid crowding and undue haste;
2. Use the stairwells to move between floors;
3. Do not use the elevator under any circumstances.
a. Disruption of electricity may cause elevator failure.
b. Upon activation of the general alarm the double
doors outside each elevator on every floor will automatically close.
c. Activation of the general alarm will cause the
elevators to proceed to predetermined floors away
from the fire alarm area. The elevator doors will
open and the elevators will lock on those floors.
d. Personnel riding the elevator during the general
alarm should leave the elevator when it stops and
then proceed to the nearest building exit;
4. After exiting the building, proceed to the
designated refuge area and follow the directions
of the element’s fire coordinator; and
5. Remain in the refuge area until further advised
by the element’s fire coordinator.
D. Other Evacuation Assistance
The officer who is assigned to the security
booth shall be responsible for evacuating the
snack shop (next to the MED) and the credit union office.
The Fire Prevention Bureau, Honolulu Fire
Department, can schedule and provide training
sessions for the divisional fire coordinators
when called upon to do so. Fire evacuation
procedures, the operation of fire extinguishers,
and wet standpipe equipment will be included in the training sessions.
Element fire coordinators shall plan for the
security of documents, money, and equipment
within their elements in case of a fire.