To establish and delineate user responsibilities
regarding the creation, use, and retention of departmental
electronic mail (e-mail) messages.
City resource: The city’s definition states that
“virtually every type of city-owned property and
information is considered a city resource. All
city equipment, such as typewriters, computers,
and motor vehicles are city resources. City
premises, including city offices, conference
rooms, and working areas, are city resources.
Also included are less tangible items such as
computer software, employee information, and
your ‘’ or ‘’
e-mail address.”
Electronic mail: A system for sending messages
from one individual to another via telecommunications
links between computers or other electronic devices
such as personal digital assistants (PDAs). For the
purposes of this policy, e-mail shall include all
forms of electronic communication created, sent,
and/or received via a city-owned computer, the city’s
e-mail system, or a city server network and shall be
considered the property of the Honolulu Police Department (HPD).
Instant message: An electronic mail message sent
by an instant messaging mechanism.
Internet: A worldwide network of interconnected computers.
Web mail: An e-mail agent that is accessible from the
Internet. Users may access their departmental e-mail
messages from any computer connected to the Internet
that runs a supported configuration and browser.
A. Usage of departmental e-mail from mobile
data computers, laptops, PDAs, and computer aided
dispatching systems shall be included in this policy.
B. There shall be no expectation of privacy
by the user when utilizing city resources.
Certain electronic communications may have
restrictions based on their content. This
includes privileged attorney-client and/or
police-informant communications, classified
information that could be detrimental to
legitimate departmental functions, and/or
information that, when revealed, could be a
violation of the law.
C. E-mail messages sent or received shall be
subject to the mailbox limit set by the Department of Information
Technology (DIT). This limit is independent
of individual personal folders created by the user.
D. Noncompliance with the city’s and/or department’s
policies, guidelines, or procedures may result in the
revocation of e-mail and Internet privileges and/or
other appropriate disciplinary action. This includes
reprimand, suspension, termination of employment, or
(if warranted) civil or criminal prosecution.
E. Refer to the DIT’s security policy regarding
the use of e-mail and the Internet in its entirety,
as well as the HPD’s Policy 8.20, COMPUTER SECURITY.
Personnel are not required to retain nor preserve
any e-mail messages, except upon service of a
subpoena, search warrant, or other lawful order.
A. Personnel shall not use the city’s e-mail system for the following:
1. Profiting from nonapproved city purposes;
2. Advertising or lobbying (other than for city purposes);
3. Engaging in disruptive activities, such as software/information destruction or unauthorized changes to files;
4. Uploading, downloading, creating, and/or propagating viruses;
5. Playing computer games;
6. Installing, copying, or distributing any copyrighted
material in violation of copyright laws;
7. Gambling or engaging in any other activity in violation
of local, state, or federal law;
8. Jeopardizing the city’s network or other networks on
the Internet by disclosing or sharing passwords with
unauthorized persons; and
9. Suggesting to other associates that they view,
download, or seek materials; files; information;
software; or other content that may be offensive,
defamatory, misleading, infringing, or illegal.
B. Personnel shall not use any e-mail account that
is not authorized by the department to share or
conduct official departmental business.
Personnel are allowed the following exceptions
when using the city’s e-mail system as a personal
convenience for noncity purposes:
A. When it is for a short period of time;
B. When it does not interfere with the productivity of the employee;
C. When it does not create an additional cost to the city;
D. When it is not for the employee’s own
personal business, financial, or commercial purposes.
“Personal business” in this context refers to a
commercial activity engaged in for profit; and
E. When it is for a project with a communitywide
benefit that recognizes there are nonprofit and
charitable organizations that sometimes rely on
government support. These exceptions are officially
designated as charities by the Mayor or City Council
(e.g., Hawaii Foodbank, Aloha United Way, and March of Dimes).
Users of the city’s e-mail system:
A. Shall not tamper with or attempt to
disguise or hide the true origin of any e-mail
message unless such messages are required for
testing or for diagnostic purposes;
B. Shall delete and not send, download,
print, request, or store fraudulent, offensive,
or pornographic messages and/or materials;
C. Shall not access, review, monitor, copy,
or disclose the e-mail usage of others without an
authorized city business;
D. Shall be cognizant that e-mail can become
evidence in court, potentially be considered public
record, or otherwise can be open to scrutiny; and
E. Will be allowed Web mail access on a
case-by-case basis as determined by the Information Technology Division.