The Honolulu Police Department’s (HPD) Crime Information
Bulletin (CIB) shall be confidential and its distribution
shall be controlled. It shall be used within the department
and may be sent to other law enforcement agencies to
disseminate or request pertinent police information
regarding people, vehicles, other property, and weapons.
A. A CIB may be initiated by any element
and submitted in its draft form to the Criminal
Investigation Division (CID).
B. A draft of the Crime Information Bulletin,
HPD-355A form; the Request for News Release, HPD-537
form; and any applicable photo(s) and video(s) shall
be sent to the HPD CIB e-mailbox at
C. The CID shall be responsible for maintaining
the official file, assigning a tracking number to
each CIB, and coordinating its publication and distribution.
A. Any CIB that directs officers to
identify and arrest the suspect(s) upon
confirmation shall be posted in the mainframe
wanted persons file. The CID shall input
the CIB information into the mainframe, as
well as remove the information upon arrest.
B. The letter “B” will appear in the
mainframe type column to indicate the person has a current CIB.
C. When an officer conducts a search
on the mainframe for a possible suspect
and it is confirmed, the Communications
Division shall provide the CIB number to
the officer. The requesting officer will
then access the CIB on the HPD intranet to verify accuracy.
D. The officer shall contact the CID
to confirm that the suspect is still wanted
and that the CIB information is current.
E. A copy of the CIB shall be part of the arrest report.
A. The publicly accessible Na Maka webpage
contains photographs and videos of adult suspects.
B. The CrimeStoppers Coordinator shall be
responsible for monitoring the Na Maka e-mailbox
for information pertinent to the webpage.
C. CrimeStoppers will be responsible for
evaluating, posting, and monitoring all photographs
and videos on the Na Maka webpage.
D. If a person is identified, CrimeStoppers
shall be notified as soon as possible so that the
photograph or video can be archived from the Na Maka webpage.
E. All unidentified Na Maka postings will
stay posted and can be reposted or removed at
the request of the investigator or the CID commander or designee.
F. All photographs and videos shall be
uploaded to the HPD’s Facebook page unless
there is a justifiable reason why the photograph
or video shall not be posted. The decision
will be made by the CID commander or designee.
A. The HPD may require outside assistance
from other law enforcement agencies to identify,
locate, and arrest those no longer within jurisdiction.
B. For any CIB information that will be
disseminated outside the HPD, investigators
shall fill out the Outside Assist Crime Information
Bulletin, HPD-355B form, and include the following:
1. The purpose of the Outside Assist CIB;
2. The offense or incident and when it occurred;
3. The pictures which shall be electronically attached to the form;
4. A synopsis of the case or reason why the person is being sought; and
5. The investigator’s contact information.
C. The procedures for submitting and tracking
the HPD-355B form shall be in accordance with section I of this policy.
A. As soon as the information is no longer
current, the initiating element shall immediately
notify the CID to cancel the CIB, both verbally and through written notification.
B. The CID shall notify all elements of any cancellations.