Honolulu Police Department employees shall be
held to the highest standards of ethical conduct
so that the public may justifiably have trust
and confidence in the integrity of the department.
A. All employees shall abide by the City and
County of Honolulu employee code of ethics as required by
Article XI of the Revised Charter of Honolulu and Chapter 1,
Article 19, of the Revised Ordinances of Honolulu.
B. Sworn personnel shall also abide by the
Code of Ethics as provided in Policy 2.21, STANDARDS OF CONDUCT.
A. New employees shall receive ethics training
appropriate to their position during their orientation or training period.
B. All employees shall receive ethics training biennially.
C. All ethics training shall be conducted in
accordance with Policy 3.34, TRAINING PROGRAMS
ADMINISTERED BY THE TRAINING DIVISION, or applicable civil service rules.