Bulletin boards shall be used and maintained in accordance with
the guidelines for employment (e.g. federal or state),
applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the Bulletin
Boards and Posting Requirements section of the Personnel Manual,
Department of Human Resources, City and County of Honolulu.
Coordinators shall be responsible for maintaining and
securing their assigned bulletin board(s).
A. Employee Bulletin Boards: The departmental
coordinator is the Human Resources Division (HRD)
commander or designee.
1. Information pertaining to the organization,
policy, procedure, health, safety, and welfare
that does not have posting limitations shall
remain on the bulletin board until revised by law
or directive. Such material includes (but is not
limited to) government-mandated information,
organizational charts, fire and/or emergency
evacuation procedures, etc.
2 Collective bargaining agreement information and
materials for display on these bulletin boards
shall be submitted to the departmental
coordinator for approval and distribution.
B. Element Bulletin Boards: The element coordinator is
the element commander, supervisor, and/or designee.
C. Elevator Lobby Bulletin Boards: The Community Affairs
Division (CAD) commander or designee shall be the
elevator lobby bulletin board(s) coordinator.
1. Requests for Posting
a. All requests for posting shall be submitted
to the Special Field Operations Bureau
(SFOB) assistant chief or designee for
approval and dissemination.
b. The request should include the material to
be posted, how long the material is to be
posted, and whether the material should be
returned to the originator.
c. Any material that is not approved shall be
returned to the originator.
d. The CAD shall maintain a file of all
CAD-approved materials.
2 Maintenance of Elevator Lobby Bulletin Boards
a. The CAD shall periodically clean and
maintain the enclosed bulletin boards
according to the requirements and
recommendations of the manufacturer.
b. The CAD shall review posted material weekly.
Items that are no longer current or have
exceeded the event date will be removed.
3. No material shall be posted on the walls of the
elevator lobbies other than in the enclosed
bulletin boards. Unauthorized material shall be
subject to removal.
Bulletin Board Posting Guidelines
A. Only authorized coordinators may post and remove items
from the bulletin board(s).
1. The element coordinator may post material
relative to the element’s operation and
2. All material forwarded by the departmental
coordinator shall be posted.
3. Items to be posted shall be current and have a
specified time limit or closing date. Materials
shall be removed within ten days of the time
limit or closing date.
B. Any items requiring departmentwide distribution that
are not mandated for posting by federal, state, and/or
city laws; the department; or collective bargaining
shall be submitted to the HRD for clearance and
distribution. The departmental coordinator shall
maintain a file of all HRD-approved materials.
A. Bulletin boards shall be accessible to every employee.
B. Employees shall be responsible for being aware of
communications posted on the bulletin boards.