The Honolulu Police Department shall establish
procedures for the Alapai headquarters as an
alternate, private emergency refuge shelter
for Honolulu Police Department (HPD) personnel
and their immediate family members.
Disaster: Natural occurrences to include
hurricanes, tropical storms, earthquakes,
and other disturbances.
Refuge shelter manager: The Community Affairs
Division commander or designee in charge of
operations for the Alapai headquarters’ private,
emergency refuge shelter.
Refuge shelter management team: Shall consist
of the refuge shelter manager, the Central
Receiving Division (CRD) commander or designee,
a member of the Peer Support Unit, and select
HPD reserve officers and volunteers.
Immediate family member: Any family member or
person living in the same household as the HPD employee.
A. HPD Shelter Declaration
1. The Alapai headquarters’ private,
emergency refuge shelter declaration can
only be made by the Chief of Police or a designee.
2. When the Alapai headquarters is
declared a shelter, the refuge shelter
manager or designee shall manage the operations of the facility.
B. Shelter Availability Announcement
1. The refuge shelter manager or designee
shall make a call and send an e mail to the
element commanders notifying them of the shelter availability.
2. The refuge shelter manager or designee
shall inform the refuge shelter management team
to mobilize the shelter as soon as practicable.
3. The Alapai headquarters’ private,
emergency refuge shelter shall be available
to HPD employees and their family members or
persons living in the same household.
Individuals shall bring with them a personal
supply kit. A sample personal supply kit list
is provided in Attachment 1.
4. Pets will be allowed in the shelter.
No more than two pets per family shall be
permitted. Pets shall remain in the designated
parking area within the owner’s vehicles and/or
in the designated areas within the stairwells
of the shelter only. A list of pet items and
requirements are provided in Attachment 2.
A. Shelter Operations
1. The refuge shelter manager or designee
shall command and control shelter operations.
2. Work assignments shall be delegated to
the refuge shelter management team to assist
with the coordination of shelter operations.
3. Each element located within the Alapai
headquarters that has approved and allocated
shelter space shall have designated a point of
contact to assist with planning for shelter operations.
4. Departmental personnel shall adhere
to the guidelines consistent with the City
and County of Honolulu’s Emergency Operations
Plan and shall be referenced as specified
B. Briefings
1. When the Alapai headquarters’ private,
emergency refuge shelter is declared operational,
the refuge shelter management team shall report
to the designated shelter operations center.
2. The refuge shelter manager or designee
shall conduct the briefings for the operation of
the Alapai headquarters’ private, emergency refuge shelter.
C. Shelter Registration and Reception
1. The CRD juvenile sally port shall be
designated as the registration area for the
Alapai headquarters’ private, emergency refuge
shelter. Shelter space will be available on a
first-come, first-served basis.
2. One HPD Private, Emergency Refuge Shelter
Registration, HPD 526 form, shall be completed
per family. Refer to Attachment 3 for the form.
3. The HPD Private, Emergency Refuge Shelter
Registration, HPD 526 form, shall be completed and
submitted prior to reception into the shelter.
4. The shelter’s capacity is approximately
1,700 spaces. This amount is based on a 10′ X 10′
allocation per person.
5. A shelter information packet shall be made
available to all employees from the Civil Defense
Coordinator and/or the HPD intranet.
D. Special Needs Area
1. A special needs area shall be made
available for persons who have service animals.
2. Individuals who have special needs
shall inform the registrant and should
indicate the need as such on the HPD Private,
Emergency Refuge Shelter Registration, HPD 526 form.
E. General Shelter Information
1. The Oahu Civil Defense completed a
Tropical Cyclone Shelter survey of the Alapai
headquarters to ensure the viability of the
building as a private, emergency refuge shelter
during a hurricane or tropical storm.
2. This shelter is meant to be an alternate
choice to existing public shelters in the community.
3. Other public shelters that may be
available within the vicinity of the Alapai
headquarters are the Neal S. Blaisdell Center
and President William McKinley High School.
F. Shelter Parking
1. Shelter parking will be available on a
first come, first served basis.
2. HPD fleet and other vehicles assigned
to the Alapai headquarters shall park in the designated stalls.
3. Refer to Attachment 4, the Shelter
Parking Operations Plan, for details.
G. All-Clear Designation
The all clear designation shall be made by the
refuge shelter manager or designee to prepare
for the closure of the shelter.
A. Sworn personnel shall adhere to
basic police responsibilities. They shall
include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Maintaining law and order;
2. Protecting vital city facilities/resources; and
3. Maintaining security of the evacuated areas,
evacuation shelters, and staging areas.
B. Maintaining security within and around the
shelter facilities shall be the responsibility of
the refuge shelter management team. All shelter
personnel shall wear proper identification.
A. Once the all clear notification has
been issued by the refuge shelter manager,
shelter closing procedures shall commence.
The refuge shelter management team and the
CRD shall assess any damages that may have
occurred within or around the Alapai headquarters.
The information gathered will then be forwarded to
the Support Services Bureau.
B. Casualties, damages, property losses,
and any other conditions that will have an effect
on operations shall be assessed by the element commanders.
The refuge shelter management team shall meet
annually to reassess the needs of the shelter
and to update any procedures as necessary.